The mission of AALS is to promote knowledge, camaraderie, and individual professional and academic growth for those pursuing careers in the sciences.
Organization Contact:
2022-2023 President: Glory Adeyemo
Email: AALSclubua@gmail.com
Other information:
We, the members of the African Graduate Students Association, are committed to promoting African culture awareness through events and self-empowerment initiatives that encourage the advancement and success of African Graduate Students and African students at the University of Arizona.
2024-2025 Executive Board
President: Uzochi Agbanelo (she/her), uzochia@arizona.edu
Vice President: Dammy Sunday Usman (he/him), sundayusman@arizona.edu
Accountant: Derrick Nwobodo (he/him), nwobodot@arizona.edu
Outreach/Fundraising Program Coordinator: Tolu Olorunnisola (he/him), taolorunnisola@arizona.edu
Public Relations/ Media Manager: Pricilia Mugwa (she/her), pricilia.mugwa@gmail.com
Secretary: vacant
The mission of the African Student Association is to promote unity and understanding among African students at the University of Arizona.
Organization Contact:
President: Grace Boubeka
Email: gracepromesse@arizona.edu
2023 - 2024 Executive Board:
Troi Madison Newman, President: troinewman@arizona.edu
Mattie King, Vice-President: mking98@arizona.edu
Tianna Williams, Secretary: williams10@arizona.edu
Davina Wizzard, Communications Chair: dwizzard@arizona.edu
Organization Contact:
Club Email: blsa.ua.law@gmail.com
Other Information:
The mission of the BLACK STUDENT UNION is to engage undergraduate students of the African Diaspora in the intellectual, social, and political welfare of the University of Arizona and provide a unified voice to university leaders contributing to institutional policy and practice.
Instagram: uofa_blackstudentunion
Coalition of Black Organizations, also known as COBO, was founded in Spring 2017 to unite the Black community on the campus of the University of Arizona. Our motto is "Strength in Unity," and we pursue this in all aspects, including the unification of the organizations under the Coalition of Black organizations. We encourage our students to walk with pride and presence in all spaces!
Organization Contact:
2024-2025 Executive Director: Ky'Jah Greene
COBO Email: cobouofa@gmail.com
Other information:
COBO Support form: link
COBO President Recognition form: Link
NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.
Organization Contact:
Website: http://nsbe.clubs.arizona.edu/
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.: iotatau.aka@gmail.com @itsgirlsinpearls
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.: zetatheta1906@gmail.com @zetathetaalphas
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.: deltasigmathetamueta@gmail.com @muetachapterdst
Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.: iotazona63@gmail.com @iotazona
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.: deltaomicronnupes@gmail.com @deltaomicronnupes
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.: pbsaaeinfo@gmail.com @uofa_sigmas
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.: undergradsalphaepsilon@gmail.com @alphaepsilonques
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. nuupsilonsgrho@gmail.com @nuupsilon_sgrhos
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.: pixizphib@gmail.com @pixi_zetas
The University of Arizona Black Alumni (UABA) is made up of accomplished graduates and former students of the UA who live throughout the world. Associate memberships are available to UA graduates, former students, and others who support the goals of the organization.
Organization Contact:
Website: https://alumni.arizona.edu/stay-connected/alumni-communities/ua-black-a…
Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS): MAPS is part of a national organization called the Student National Medical Association (SNMA). Our club endeavors to support the current and future underrepresented minorities pursing pre-health professions. MAPS is committed to addressing the needs of the underserved at the University of Arizona and increasing the number of academically excellent, culturally competent, and socially conscious pre-healthcare professionals. Our club is all-inclusive and open to anyone pursing a career in medicine.
Other information:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1737270699862839/
National Website: snma.org
The purpose of SNAVB UA Chapter is to create a space where African American Students and allies can become the future leaders of veterinary medicine through professional development, community engagement, and promoting diversity.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ua_snabv/