If you cant seem to find the right resource, we would be happy to help!
Free Printing
Just bring your computer! If you have a Mac, ask for an adapter at the front desk. Printers are in the both student lounge (207) and the academic study lounge (203)
Pop-Up Pantry
Items in the cupboards or on the counter in the kitchenette in 207 are free to students. No need to ask - take what you need!
Academic Study Lounge
Mac computers and free printing are available for students in our "neo-soul" academic study lounge - room 203.
CAPS Embedded Counselor
Life gets stressful. Yvonne Smith is here to help you out! https://caps.arizona.edu/person/yvonne-smith
Student Lounge Space
Food, music or movies, magazines. Want to just hang out? Join us in room 207!
Tranquility Room
Need a space to relax, meditate, or pray? Come to room 209E and feel your stress melt away.
Want to learn about resources are available for you? AASA is here to support you and help guide you to the resources available.
If you cant seem to find the right resource, we would be happy to speak to you to see how we can help! Contact us directly!