QTPOC2S+ Meet and Greet

MLK Room 202


5 – 6:30 p.m., Sept. 25, 2023

Join us for an introduction meeting where students who identify as QTPOC2S+ (Queer, Trans, Two-spirit people of color) come together to meet each other, get to know what QTPOC2S+ has to offer, and enjoy the evening resting together in community and eating free food! At this meeting, we will take student input on what students want to see for the upcoming fall 2023 semester. We hope to see you there. Follow QTPOC2S+ Instagram at: @qtpoc_ua or email at uaqtpoc2s@gmail.com



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Phone(520) 621-3419
Fax(520) 621-9623


MLK Building
1322 E 1st St, Tucson, AZ 85719
HoursMonday - Thursday 9AM - 6PM
Friday 9AM - 4PM